Before we dive into overriding Angular inbuilt functions, it’s essential to understand what they are and how they work. Angular provides a range of inbuilt functions that cater to various aspects of application development, such as data binding, template parsing, and event handling. These functions are designed to simplify the development process and provide a solid foundation for building robust and scalable applications.

Some examples of Angular inbuilt functions include:

  • $[rootScope: the top-most scope in an Angular application
  • $injector: responsible for dependency injection
  • $http: used for making HTTP requests

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Are you tired of being limited by Angular’s inbuilt functions? Do you want to take your application to the next level by customizing and extending the existing functionalities? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the process of overriding Angular inbuilt functions, providing you with the knowledge and tools to unlock new possibilities in your Angular projects.

Table of Contents

Before we dive into overriding Angular inbuilt functions, it’s essential to understand what they are and how they work. Angular provides a range of inbuilt functions that cater to various aspects of application development, such as data binding, template parsing, and event handling. These functions are designed to simplify the development process and provide a solid foundation for building robust and scalable applications.

Some examples of Angular inbuilt functions include:

  • $[rootScope: the top-most scope in an Angular application
  • $injector: responsible for dependency injection
  • $http: used for making HTTP requests

While Angular inbuilt functions are incredibly useful, there are scenarios where you might need to override them to achieve specific requirements or behaviors in your application. Here are some reasons why you might want to override Angular inbuilt functions:

  1. Customization**: You need to customize the behavior of an inbuilt function to fit your application’s unique requirements.
  2. Extension**: You want to extend the functionality of an inbuilt function to provide additional features or capabilities.
  3. Workaround**: You need to work around a limitation or bug in an inbuilt function.
  4. Optimization**: You want to optimize the performance of an inbuilt function to improve your application’s overall speed and efficiency.

Overriding Angular inbuilt functions involves creating a custom implementation that replaces or extends the original function. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

Identify the specific inbuilt function you want to override. Make sure you understand its purpose, behavior, and any dependencies it may have.

// Create a custom implementation of the $http function
app.factory('myHttp', ['$http', function($http) {
  return {
    get: function(url, config) {
      // Your custom implementation goes here
      return $http.get(url, config);

In this example, we’re creating a custom implementation of the $http function using a factory. We’re injecting the original $http function and returning an object with a custom get method.

// Register the custom implementation in your Angular module
app.config(['$provide', function($provide) {
  $provide.decorator('$http', ['$delegate', 'myHttp', function($delegate, myHttp) {
    return myHttp;

In this example, we’re registering the custom implementation using the $provide.decorator method. We’re injecting the original $http function and replacing it with our custom implementation.

Verify that your custom implementation is working as expected by testing it in your application.

Here are some common scenarios where overriding Angular inbuilt functions is particularly useful:

Scenario Inbuilt Function Purpose
Custom HTTP Request Handling $http Override the default HTTP request handling to add custom headers, authentication, or caching.
Custom Routing $route Override the default routing behavior to add custom route resolution, parameter handling, or route hijacking.
Custom Form Validation $validator Override the default form validation behavior to add custom validation rules, error messaging, or async validation.

When overriding Angular inbuilt functions, it’s essential to follow best practices to ensure maintainability, scalability, and performance:

  • Document your code**: Clearly document your custom implementation, including the purpose, behavior, and any dependencies.
  • Test thoroughly**: Thoroughly test your custom implementation to ensure it works as expected and doesn’t introduce any regressions.
  • Keep it modular**: Keep your custom implementation modular and reusable to minimize code duplication and promote maintainability.
  • Respect the original behavior**: Respect the original behavior of the inbuilt function and avoid altering it unnecessarily to prevent unintended consequences.

Overriding Angular inbuilt functions can be a powerful way to customize and extend the capabilities of your application. By following the steps and best practices outlined in this guide, you can unlock new possibilities in your Angular projects and take your development skills to the next level.

Remember to approach overriding Angular inbuilt functions with caution and respect for the original behavior. With careful planning and implementation, you can reap the benefits of customizing Angular’s inbuilt functions and build more robust, scalable, and maintainable applications.

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “How to override Angular Inbuilt function” in a creative voice and tone:

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unleash your Angular superpowers and learn how to override those pesky inbuilt functions!

Q1: Why would I want to override an Angular inbuilt function?

Sometimes, you might need to tweak the behavior of an Angular inbuilt function to fit your app’s specific requirements. By overriding it, you can customize its functionality to suit your needs. It’s like giving your app a personalized superpower!

Q2: How do I identify the inbuilt function I want to override?

First, check the Angular documentation to find the function you want to override. Then, use the browser’s developer tools to inspect the function’s implementation and identify its source code. This will help you understand how it works and what you need to modify.

Q3: What’s the best way to override an Angular inbuilt function?

Create a custom function with the same name and parameters as the inbuilt function, but with your desired modifications. Then, use a decorator or a higher-order function to wrap the original function with your custom implementation. This ensures that your custom function is called instead of the inbuilt one.

Q4: Are there any risks or considerations when overriding an Angular inbuilt function?

Yes! Be careful when overriding inbuilt functions, as it can lead to unintended consequences, such as breaking existing functionality or causing compatibility issues. Make sure to thoroughly test your custom implementation and consider the potential impact on your app’s performance and maintainability.

Q5: Can I override an Angular inbuilt function at the component level or only globally?

You can override an Angular inbuilt function at both the component level and globally. However, be cautious when overriding globally, as it can affect the entire app. For component-level overrides, use a decorator or a higher-order function to scope the override to that specific component.

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