Unlock the Power of Read-Only Columns in Interactive Grids in Apex
Image by Lajon - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlock the Power of Read-Only Columns in Interactive Grids in Apex

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Interactive Grids in Oracle Apex are a powerful tool for creating dynamic, interactive reports and data entry forms. One of the most useful features of Interactive Grids is the ability to create read-only columns, which allow you to display data to users without allowing them to edit it. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of read-only columns in Interactive Grids, exploring why you need them, how to create them, and some advanced techniques for customizing their behavior.

Why Do I Need Read-Only Columns in Interactive Grids?

Read-only columns are essential in Interactive Grids for several reasons:

  • Data Integrity**: By making certain columns read-only, you can ensure that critical data is not accidentally modified or deleted by users.

Creating Read-Only Columns in Interactive Grids

Creating read-only columns in Interactive Grids is a straightforward process. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. In your Apex application, navigate to the Interactive Grid region where you want to add a read-only column.
  2. Click on the ” Columns” button in the Interactive Grid toolbar.
  3. In the “Columns” dialog, click on the “Create Column” button.
  4. In the “Create Column” dialog, enter a name for your column and select the data type (e.g., “VARCHAR2”).
  5. In the “Column Properties” section, select the “Read Only” checkbox.
  6. Click “Apply Changes” to save your new column.

Example: Creating a Read-Only Column for Displaying Calculated Values

Say you want to create an Interactive Grid that displays a calculation based on user input. You can create a read-only column to display the calculated value, ensuring that users can’t modify it directly.

    -- Create a calculated column in the Interactive Grid

Customizing Read-Only Columns in Interactive Grids

While creating read-only columns is a great start, you can take it to the next level by customizing their behavior using Apex’s built-in features and PL/SQL code.

Conditional Read-Only Columns

Sometimes, you may want to make a column read-only based on certain conditions. For example, you might want to make a column read-only for certain users or roles, or based on specific data values.

    -- Create a conditional read-only column
        WHEN APP_USER = 'ADMIN' THEN 'Read-Only'
        ELSE 'Editable'

Dynamic Read-Only Columns

Using PL/SQL code, you can make read-only columns dynamic, responding to changes in the data or user input.

    -- Create a dynamic read-only column
      p_column_name IN VARCHAR2
      IF p_column_name = 'SENSITIVE_DATA' THEN
        RETURN 'Read-Only';
        RETURN 'Editable';
      END IF;

Read-Only Columns with Custom Rendering

Using Apex’s built-in rendering features, you can customize the appearance and behavior of read-only columns to suit your application’s needs.

    -- Create a read-only column with custom rendering
      SELECT *

Common Scenarios for Read-Only Columns in Interactive Grids

Read-only columns are useful in many scenarios, including:

Scenario Description
Displaying Calculated Values Use read-only columns to display calculated values, such as totals or averages, that users shouldn’t modify.
Protecting Sensitive Data Make sensitive data, such as passwords or credit card numbers, read-only to prevent unauthorized access.
Streamlining User Input Use read-only columns to limit user input to only the columns that require it, simplifying the user experience and reducing errors.
Enforcing Business Logic Implement business logic rules using read-only columns, ensuring that data conforms to specific formats or ranges.


Read-only columns are a powerful feature in Interactive Grids, offering a range of benefits for data integrity, security, and usability. By following the guidelines and techniques outlined in this article, you can unlock the full potential of read-only columns in your Apex applications.

Remember to customize and tailor your read-only columns to suit your specific use cases, using Apex’s built-in features and PL/SQL code to create dynamic, conditional, and custom-rendered columns that meet your business needs.

With read-only columns, you can create robust, interactive reports and data entry forms that ensure data accuracy, security, and usability, while providing a seamless user experience. So go ahead, take the leap, and unlock the power of read-only columns in Interactive Grids today!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to dive into the world of Interactive Grids in Apex and uncover the secrets of read-only columns!

What is the purpose of read-only columns in Interactive Grids?

Read-only columns in Interactive Grids are used to display data that should not be edited by the end-users. This ensures data integrity and prevents accidental changes to critical data. It’s like putting a digital padlock on sensitive information!

How do I make a column read-only in an Interactive Grid?

Easy peasy! To make a column read-only, you simply need to set the ‘Enabled’ property of the column to ‘False’ in the grid’s column definition. This will prevent users from editing the column, but still allow them to view the data.

Can I make an entire Interactive Grid read-only?

Absolutely! You can make an entire Interactive Grid read-only by setting the ‘Enabled’ property of the grid itself to ‘False’. This will prevent users from editing any data in the grid, making it a view-only interface.

Are there any workarounds to allow editing of read-only columns in certain situations?

You sneaky thing! Yes, there are workarounds to allow editing of read-only columns in specific scenarios. For example, you can use JavaScript code to dynamically enable editing of a read-only column based on certain conditions. However, be cautious when using such workarounds, as they can compromise data integrity.

How do I conditionally make a column read-only based on certain conditions?

Conditional logic to the rescue! You can use the ‘Enabled’ property of the column and set it to an expression that evaluates to true or false based on your conditions. For example, you can use a PL/SQL expression to enable or disable editing of the column based on the user’s role or other factors.

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